Cosama Village – Sighisoara, Romania
Masuri de sanatate COVID-19 / COVID-19 MESASURES
Cosama Village va asigura ca implementam instructiunile si recomandarile Organizatiei Mondiale a Sanatatii (OMS) si autoritatilor din Romania.
Masuri de igiena:
- Sunt intensificate lucrarile de curatenie cu solutii pe baza de clor a fiecaruia dintre spatiile Cosama Village;
- Solutii pentru dezinfectarea mainilor la intrarea in casute;
- Utilizarea mastilor si a manusilor obligatorie pentru personal curatenie; In aceasta perioada, accesul personalului de menaj in casute, pe durata sejurului dvs., este SUSPENDAT;
- Fiecare casuta dispune de vesela proprie, fiind interzisa scoaterea acestora in exteriorul casutei;
- Sunt eliminate toate articolele de papetarie, meniuri tiparite si brosurile din casute. Informarea o vom face digital, prin aplicatia whatsapp.
- Obligativitatea oaspetilor de a declara, pe propria raspundere, ca au o stare de sanatate buna si ca nu au calatorit in zonele afectate de COVID-19 in ultimele 14 zile (formularul se trimite in mailul de confirmare a rezervarii);
Suntem la dispozitia oaspetilor pentru orice solicitare, astfel incat sa aveti un sejur fara risc!
COVID-19 health measures
Cosama Village assures all its customers that we rigorously implement both the instructions and recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the ones provided by Romanian authorities.
Hygiene measures:
- Cleaning with chlorine-based solutions is intensified within each of the Cosama Village spaces;
- Hand hygiene solutions and sanitizers are provided at the entrance to each house;
- Wearing masks and protective gloves is mandatory for all member of the cleaning staff; during these periods of pandemic, access of the housekeeping staff inside the accommodations is SUSPENDED throughout your entire stay;
- Each house has its own crockery set and it is expressly forbidden to get it out of the house;
- All stationery and office supplies such as printed menus and presentation brochures are temporarily removed from the inside. Properly informing the guests will take place through digital means such as the Whatsapp application.
- Guests are required to give a statement regarding their good health and lack of COVID-19 symptoms, as well as declaring they have not travelled in the last 14 days in countries on the ‘yellow list’ or on the ‘red list’ and did not get in contact with people who have been tested positive (the form is attached to the booking confirmation email).
We remain at your disposal for any further information you may require, in order to make sure you enjoy a safe and risk-free stay!